Frequently Asked Questions

Do you take insurance?

We are not currently in network with any insurance companies, but we are committed to providing affordable care for the entire family. We can provide a superbill/receipt for you to submit to your insurance company, if requested.

What do prices look like for chiropractic care at Revival Chiropractic?

  • Initial Adult Examination - $195 (includes exam, neurological scans, and x-rays, if necessary, and adjustment)

  • Initial Pediatric Examination - $105 (includes exam, neurological scans, and adjustment)

  • Adjustments - $50

  • Re-Examinations - $50

Following the initial examination, Dr. Brad designs a personalized corrective care plan to restore proper function to your spine and nervous system. We are not looking to just simply provide temporary relief; rather, our care is designed for long-term correction to maximize your overall function.

What do prices look like for Red Light Therapy at Revival Chiropractic?

Contact us for pricing and package options.

What should I expect during my first visit with the doctor?

Your first appointment at Revival Chiropractic will be approximately 45 minutes. In addition to the neurological scans that will be taken, Dr. Brad will review your health history, perform a thorough exam, and take X-rays during this visit, if necessary.

What are the neurological scans looking for that are taken at the initial appointment?

  • Thermography - Measures differences in temperature along the spine, which is an accurate indicator as to where stress is building up and how deeply it affects nervous system function.

  • Surface EMG - Measures how much energy is being used at any given time to maintain your posture and how it is distributed throughout the muscles and nervous system.

  • Heart Rate Variability - Measures the balance between your “fight or flight” stress response and your “rest, digest, and recover” response. It also shows us how well you are able to adapt to life’s stressors.

Is It Safe to Adjust Children And Newborns?

Yes! Parents bring their children to Revival to keep them healthy and keep their immune system strong. By using Torque Release Technique, Dr. Brad is able to gently adjust specific spots to help the body and nervous system function at its highest level. With pediatrics, the amount of pressure is the same that would be used to check an avocado for ripeness.

Why does Dr. Brad practice Torque Release Technique instead of the traditional chiropractic techniques?

Simply stated, the RESULTS! At Revival Chiropractic, we want to get to the root cause of your health concerns and stop it at the source.

Schedule Your Appointment

Patients can request their first appointment using our online appointment form. For questions or help regarding appointment scheduling, call our office at (512) 953-8188.